In November, I had the pleasure to work with Dr. Michael Klautzsch, and John Admire at All Family Vision Care working on a re-design for their existing eye center website. I partnered with Trent Bingham on this project, and we launched a slick new design that adds personality to the previously templated-design, common to vision […]
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On April 1, Seth Godin wrote a blog post about not writing a blog post. Annually, Seth drums up a well-crafted April Fool’s day post, and then pats himself on the back for being clever. However this year, he was even more clever — he didn’t write one at all. Instead, he exclaimed how brave […]
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I attended An Event Apart in Seattle this last week and had a great time. The presentations were engaging, and all of them inspired further thinking and reflection. In particular, Andy Budd’s “Are you experienced” and Jeff Veen’s “Designing the Next Generation of Web Apps” made me think about the parallels between user-experience design and […]
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