Andy Vaughn

Amazon Glacier

Amazon Web Services Logo

I just came across this resource, but late this summer, Amazon AWS released their new product: Glacier, which is a cloud storage service for backing up heavy data. With costs as low as $.01/month for 1GB storage, it scales inexpensively for large sites.

Lately, I’ve been working on sites with larger data and backup requirements. In researching improved backup solutions, I ran across AWS Glacier.

I haven’t used it yet, but am looking to setup an account and try it out for my personal data before I start using it on client websites. Most WordPress websites don’t have gigantic data stores, but if you run a shopping cart, have thousands of subscribers, or years worth of posts, this might be a considerable tool to use.

I know of a few news and commercial websites that might take advantage of this cheap storage to good value.

If you have experience working with AWS Glacier, let me know.

Posted by Andy Vaughn on October 10, 2012

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