It has been interesting getting back “in-the-game” of independent web design. I missed it, and it’s always the best to be back working for myself.
Since I did the redesign on my website, I have gotten some interesting feedback. Some good, some negative. But, in-all, I have learned what people like and don’t like about my approach.
Some good: Many people really like my font-face for my logo. This wasn’t unexpected, as I had spent considerable time choosing it, and both Stacey and I were in love with it. For those of you curious, it is P22’s Cezanne Regular with loose kerning.
Some bad: I haven’t achieved the “Wow” factor that I aim for – and that’s lame-duck. So, I will keep working on the wowiness, in order to give you something to remark on.
One of the funniest remarks I have received has been from three separate web designers whom have commented that they all wished they had “thought of” the “Your website sucks…” campaign slogan first. I figured it was simple, straightforward, and honest. Something I always try and achieve. It’s funny that it’s new. Perhaps many have thought of it before, but just not had the balls to put it on their website. Well…here’s to you, then. Your website sucks, and you know it!