Andy Vaughn

By-product: CSS

One month ago 37signals wrote an article about selling your by-products. I often think of that article, because I take down a flurry of notes during the creation-phase of my projects. I like to build structures from which I can add-on, whether it is with a config file or style guideline for code indentation, I appreciate form.

One of these by-products that I have been working from recently has been a “setter” stylesheet. Along the lines of Eric Meyer’s reset.css file, I created a set.css. The point was that I found I could create much leaner CSS when I addressed the multiple elements that would be added/could-be added. After working with database-driven sites for a couple of years, I have found that it is often difficult to predict what elements your clients will somehow manage to insert into the content-management system.

So, here it is in all it’s glory. Feel free to use it as you please – enjoy.

General setter stylesheet used to define basic template styles
Version: 1.0
Last updated: January 31st, 2009

Tags not used for style:
area, b, base, bdo, big,
del, dfn, fieldset, frame,
frameset, head, hr, html,
i, iframe, ins, kbd, link,
map, meta, noframes, noscript,
object, param, q, samp, script,
small, style, title, var

Native and Containers
body {}
div {}
span {}

a {}
a:link {}
a:visited {}
a:hover {}
a:active {}
abbr {}
acronym {}
address {}
blockquote {}
cite {}
code {}
dd {}
dl {}
dt {}
em {}
h1 {}
h2 {}
h3 {}
h4 {}
h5 {}
h6 {}
img {}
li {}
ol {}
p {}
pre {}
strong {}
sub {}
sup {}
ul {}

table {}
tbody {}
caption {}
col {}
colgroup {}
td {}
textarea {}
tfoot {}
th {}
thead {}
tr {}
tt {}

button {}
form {}
input {}
label {}
legend {}
optgroup {}
option {}
select {}

Posted by Andy Vaughn on April 15, 2009

One Comment to “By-product: CSS”

  1. […] be normally accounted for in a content section. I include a list of commonly added HTML tags on my setter stylesheet post. Now remember, you need to add #content before all of those tags, if you’re styling for a […]